Frequently Asked Questions

How much money will I raise?
We suggest that you price each individual product with $1.50 - $2.00 above your original purchase price. The mark up that you place on the product will be the profit that you will make.

What dates are available?
Please check our calendar for available dates.

What prices are the products?
Please see the price list in the Fundraising Coordinators Pack.

How do I get an order form?
For fundraising event coordinators please download the Fundraising Coordinators Pack.
For individual customers wishing to purchase items from their event coordiantor, they will need to contact them directly.

How do I change my order?
Contact your fundraising co-ordinator if you wish to change any of your order prior to the order
cutoff date. Orders are unable to be changed once they have been submitted by the co-ordinator to Watsons Bakery.

What time will my order arrive?
Between 9am and 12pm on the specified day. If you require a specific time please note this when
you submitting your order. Due to the nature of our delivery logistics we plan for the most efficient route, so a specific time may not be available unless arranged prior.

Do I have to pay a deposit?
Currently there is no requirement for a deposit. Delivery of goods are all C.O.D.

How and when do I pay?
The event coordinator will make payment on delivery of goods. This payment can be made via
cheque made out to Watson's Kitchen.
Or via a bank transfer at least a day before delivery to BSB: 082-842 Account: 840883854, Name:
Watsons Bakery.
For all bank transfers please make a reference note in the transaction details referring to the name
of the fundraising drive, and also email confirmation of transfer to made@watsonskitchen.com.au

What do I do if I did not recieve items on my order?
All items are checked off with the event coordinator at time of delivery, but if you do find that your
order is missing something then please contact us ASAP.

How do I store my order?
All items will need to be kept refrigerated.

How do I prepare to recieve my order?
It is ideal if you can organise a working group to assist with collating the order. Each order should
have the relevant order attached so the individuals are sure they have received everything.